Political power, Jesus, the Gospel, and Disciplemaking...

There is no political fix that can heal our nation and the world.

Ponder the truth of that.

It’s an election year, and I will certainly vote as I have done since I was 18-years-old. However, let me be clear: Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fix and heal the nations—including our nation.

So, instead of putting our hope in politics and politicians, it might be best if we focused on who can change the world. Hint: That would be Jesus, who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To make sure we wouldn't miss the primary mission, King Jesus clearly commanded his followers to, "Go make disciples." 

This begs the question: Are we actually making disciples of Jesus?

Could it be that what we're seeing in our country today is happening precisely because we have not focused on Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations—starting right where we live? It's just a question. I hope you'll ponder it. 

So what are we waiting for? Not sure where to start? Start where Jesus did.

More on this here...

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