
Don't Confuse Sensational with Significant

  Sensational  doesn't automatically mean  significant . There. I said it. We are currently immersed in a culture of attention-seeking. Whoever gets the most likes, followers, retweets, comments, etc., wins. You, too, could be Youtube famous. And don't forget to listen to my podcast. And be sure to check out my blog. (On that last one, the irony is not lost on me.)  Hence, all the shouting about the next new, cool, and chic thing.  Being trendy is seductive because it's... trendy—and that which is trendy is always trending. At best, you might get to be in the flavor-of-the-month club. If not, you still get to identify with what is currently "in." At the risk of sounding like an old, grumpy guy with his shorts hocked up to his chest screaming, "Get off my lawn!"—let me say this: I'm more than a little suspicious of anything current culture considers sensational. And that goes for current "Christian" culture too. (See  here ,   here , and  he

3 Freebies for Pastor Appreciation Month—Why and How

[This post is designed to 1) offer a little insight on the underbelly of what every pastor must learn to negotiate, 2) explore seven biblical ways YOU can encourage your pastor(s), and, 3) a short podcast on how to be life-giving friend to your pastor(s). Happy Pastor Appreciation Month.] I was twenty-two years old and in my last year of Bible college when I got a phone call from a senior pastor telling me that the vote to hire me as a church youth pastor was 35 to 5. I liked the 35 part—but was more than a little concerned about the 5 people who voted against the idea of me taking the position. When I told the senior pastor that I was a little worried about the 5 no votes, he said, “You have less no votes than I had when I accepted the call to be the senior pastor of this church!” So, with some apprehension and assurance from my senior pastor, I accepted the position.  During the very first week I served in that church as youth pastor, each of the people who voted against my coming to

FREE Disciplemaking Training Event!

Who is this for? For  anyone  interested in learning how to be a disciple of Jesus who makes more disciples of Jesus. You are encouraged to bring your spouse, teenagers, church staff, ministry leaders, all volunteers, elders, pastors, student leaders, etc. There’s a lot of talk about disciplemaking these days. But what does disciplemaking  really  look like for you in your everyday real life? That's what we'll explore together. You'll be encouraged and equipped. Bring your Bible, some friends, and your sense of humor. What? With a focus on Jesus, we'll explore how to be a disciple—who makes disciples—who make more disciples. Session 1 Be a Disciple (D1) Everything in life will try to pull you off the simplicity of following Jesus together with others. Session 2 Who Makes Disciples (D2) Following Jesus isn’t a subject to be mastered, but an infectious way of life that is lived together and shared with others. Session 3 Who Make More Disciples (D3) If those we discipl

What God is Doing—Fall 2024!

      [Note: We are disciplemaking missionaries with   Cadre Missionaries . As such, we give a brief ministry update here at   Cup O' Joe with Bill   once every three months—especially for those who love, pray, and support us.] All Glory to God!   (Click image above to enlarge for reading, viewing, and praying.) Join Cadre Missionaries in Celebrating  22 Years of Fruitful Disciplemaking! In honor of Cadre's 22nd anniversary this month, we're asking God for 300 people to give $22. This would provide $6,600 much needed dollars for Cadre. W ould you please consider donating $22? Donate securely online here . Or send a check to Cadre Missionaries PO Box 278 Sycamore, IL 60178 If video above doesn't appear, go here . (Click image above to enlarge for reading, viewing, and praying.)   Our Fall 2024 Ministry Mailing Team  These are the peeps that made it happen! Thank you so much. This beautiful group of friends and family helped us get our Fall 2024 ministry mailing put toget

We're Celebrating 22 Fruitful & Fun Years! Can YOU Help Us?

Every September, we invite all our  friends to celebrate Cadre Missionaries' anniversary. This month, Cadre Missionaries is celebrating 22 years of fruitful disciplemaking friendships that multiply! In honor of Cadre's 22nd anniversary this month, we're asking God for 300 people to give $22 . This would provide $6,600 much needed dollars for Cadre.  Can you help us ? Donate $22 via PayPal  now. (Or use this PayPal QR Code below.) Or  donate securely via credit card online here . Or send a check to Cadre Missionaries PO Box 278 Sycamore, IL 60178 And now, here's a little Cadre history... Bill and Stacy Allison, 1988. Thirty-six years ago, Stacy and I got married. (Second best decision I have ever made.) We had  "Matt 6:33"   inscribed on the inside of our wedding rings:  "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you."  Matthew 6:33 continues to be one of the major themes of our lives AND  it

Political power, Jesus, the Gospel, and Disciplemaking...

There is no political fix that can heal our nation and the world . Ponder the truth of that. It’s an election year, and I will certainly vote as I have done since I was 18-years-old.  However, let me be clear:  Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fix and heal the nations—including our nation. So, instead of putting our hope in politics and politicians, it might be best if we focused on who can change the world. Hint: That would be Jesus, who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To make sure we wouldn't miss the primary mission, King Jesus clearly commanded his followers to, " Go make disciples ."  This begs the question: Are we actually making disciples of Jesus? Could it be that what we're seeing in our country today is happening precisely because we have not focused on Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations—starting right where we live?  It's just a question. I hope you'll ponder it.   So what are we waiting for? Not sure where to start? 

This Fall: First Thursday Nights in Central IL!

This four-session disciplemaking training experience takes you to the very heart of disciplemaking friendships that flourish and multiply. It's an exploration of how to live the "one-another" verses as found in the Bible. This will NOT be a lecture or a passive  workshop. Expect fun, thought-provoking interactions, encouragement, and God-directed transformation that you'll be able to apply to your life and ministry immediately. Bring your Bible and your framily (friends and family). Each person receives a training manual  and  a One Another Living Guide for taking what you learn back to those where you live, work, play, and church. Y ou'll encounter these four sessions: *  Session 1  (Thursday PM, September 5 th, 6-8 PM ) No Relationships = No Ministry;  Know Relationships = Know Ministry An out-of-the-box learning experience will get us started and explain why relationships are the heart of ministry—and God’s mode of operation for impacting and changing the lives