Why Disciplemaking Matters More than Ever
In North America, it seems like paganism is displacing Christianity in the public square.
Ironically, in the first 300 years of the church that Jesus started, Christianity spread so effectively that it actually displaced much of paganism in the Roman Empire. And it all happened in a context that was often hostile to Christianity. Think about that.
How did the early followers of Jesus have such a huge impact on a pagan culture?
In his book, The Triumph of Christianity, Dr. Rodney Stark writes, "...the spread of religious movements is not accomplished by dramatic events and persuasive preachers, but by ordinary followers who convert their equally anonymous friends, relatives, and neighbors."
That sounds like "disciplemaking friendships that multiply" to me.
My pastor friend responded, "Is it possible that many of the 22,000 people in our community have met Christians—but those Christians don't know how to make disciples like Jesus? What might God do if we, as pastors, gathered to study, live and share Jesus' disciplemaking way of life starting with the Christians in our churches?"
A long awkward pause ensued.
Then the leader of the meeting finally said, "So back to the revival idea...."
I know. It's funny—and sad—at the same time.
What if disciplemaking like Jesus is revival?