How Cadre is Making Disciplemakers in Africa...
What's way better than Cadre Missionaries taking disciplemaking training to Africa?
Cadre helping our disciplemaking friends take Cadre training to Africa! Check out this video...
Go and make disciples of all nations indeed!
Ever wonder how Jesus-like disciplemaking starts right where you are and spreads to the world?
Cadre helping our disciplemaking friends take Cadre training to Africa! Check out this video...
(If video doesn't appear, go here)
Go and make disciples of all nations indeed!
Ever wonder how Jesus-like disciplemaking starts right where you are and spreads to the world?
We're not joking when we talk about "Jesus-like disciplemaking friendships that multiply."
You, Me, and Coffee Monday...
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...